About Us


About Us

Welcome to KRB2002, your one-stop destination for all your customization needs in Bus Simulator Indonesia (BUSSID). We are passionate gamers and mod enthusiasts dedicated to enhancing your gaming experience in this popular mobile simulation game.

  • What We Do

At KRB2002, we understand that every gamer seeks to make their gameplay experience unique and personalized. We curate and offer a wide array of car, truck, and bus mods, as well as meticulously designed liveries that allow you to express your style and preferences. Additionally, we provide maps and scenarios that offer fresh challenges and exciting new routes for you to explore.

  • Why Choose Us?

1. Diverse Collection: We take pride in offering a diverse range of vehicle mods. From sleek cars to powerful trucks and a wide selection of buses, you'll find something that suits your taste.

2. Custom Liveries: Express yourself through custom liveries that transform your vehicles and make them stand out. You can choose from a variety of eye-catching designs.

3. Engaging Maps: Explore new routes and scenarios with our meticulously crafted maps and challenges that add depth to your BUSSID gameplay.

4. Regular Updates: We are committed to staying up to date with the latest game versions and continuously provide you with fresh content and updates.

5. Community-Driven: We encourage community involvement and are open to suggestions and feedback from our users. If you have an idea for a mod or need assistance, we're here to help.

  • Our Mission

Our mission is to enrich your Bus Simulator Indonesia experience by offering a platform where you can easily find, download, and install the latest mods, liveries, and maps. We believe that personalizing your gameplay is essential to making your gaming journey more enjoyable and exciting. 

**Get in Touch**

We are always eager to connect with fellow BUSSID enthusiasts. Whether you have a question, feedback, or just want to share your thoughts, feel free to contact us through the provided contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Please note that all mods and content available on this website are intended for personal use within the Bus Simulator Indonesia game. We do not support or condone any form of copyright infringement or unauthorized redistribution of game assets.

Thank you for visiting [Your Website Name], and we hope you find our mods and content a valuable addition to your BUSSID gaming experience. Explore our collection, customize your vehicles, and embark on new adventures today!

If you have any query regrading Site, Advertisement and any other issue, please feel free to contact at kbondanthila2002@gmail.com